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December wallpaper...

 OMG.December. Already.Man, time flies. I know, I's super cliché...but it's true. The past few months I've been having a ton of fun designing digital prints, tags, cards, etc. for my Etsy shop. It's really so fun for me...and I'm loving it.A few weeks ago, I decided to throw together a few phone wallpapers for December...grab 'em if you want 'em.DECEMBER 2022 WALLPAPERFrom...


Gearing up for summer fun...

Hey hey everyone!Man, what a crazy few months it's been.And while things (at least in Illinois) are still very far from "normal," we're doing our best to make this summer fun & relaxing.Next week, our state is scheduled to head into Phase 4 of our reopening plan, which means that gatherings of up to 50 people will be ok...and we plan on taking advantage of this asap.I created these simple...


From my TN...Delish | Fancy Pants Designs

It's Friday! Although I'm not sure that really means too much these days...😜 Today I'm sharing a traveler's notebook spread I created for Foundations Decor/Fancy Pants Designs... I created this spread using the new Cherry On Top Collection and I am LOVING these colors! A Cherry On Top 6x8 Paper Pad I started these pages by finding a piece of patterned paper that I thought...

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